среда, 29 февраля 2012 г.

Fed: Alliance calls for 2020 clean coal target

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Alliance calls for 2020 clean coal target

CANBERRA, April 16 AAP - A controversial alliance of environmentalists and the coal
industry has called for a 2020 target for low-emissions coal-fired electricity.

The target of 10,000 gigawatt/hour, the equivalent of energy produced by three power
stations, would kick-start the demonstration and commercialisation of carbon capture and
storage (CCS), the alliance says.

The grouping comprises WWF Australia, the Climate Institute, the Australian Coal Association
(ACA) and mining union the CFMEU.

It is calling on the federal government to set up a CCS taskforce to develop and implement
a nationally coordinated plan to urgently realise the technology.

Greenpeace and the Australian Greens have attacked the initiative for promoting a flawed
solution to climate change which subsidises the coal industry at public expense.

Key tasks proposed for the taskforce include setting up a national regime governing
carbon storage by September and finding ways to fund commercial-scale deployment of CCS.

Suggested funding includes tax incentives and accelerated depreciation, expanding public/private
partnerships and feed-in tariffs.

The alliance is also calling for an education campaign about CCS.

"Market forces alone aren't going to drive this, we do need government participation
via assistance to research and development to demonstration of these projects," ACA chief
executive Ralph Hillman told reporters in Canberra.

"Ultimately commercial deployment for low emission coal technology, just as for geothermal
or solar, will require a big investment by the government."

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